The question I hear at least... ( thinking) every other day... yes every other day... What's next? Or Hows life after college... and the answer is something very generic and forced like: Good, you know just saving up to make this move in the fall.
The reality is, I can't save up at a job where I barley make enough to support myself. In addition to its hard to find further employment anywhere in the State of Michigan. Because with a four degree, you start to hear the good old: " Your over qualified." But clearly,I'm not over anything, if I'm sitting here in your establishment trying to make this dollar man. BUT. Yes, there is a but... I am still looking to move in the Fall of 2011. I did not renew my lease, and I have no plans on moving back home. Not knocking those that do, because we all have to take the chances, and make the choices that will make our world go round. Moving back home will make my world go BOOOOM
Here are some of the things I am looking at though: Of course because I am an actress, NEW YORK is like #1 on my list... I have some friends and former colleagues really making it happen out there. All from what my facebook tells me , are taking the paths in which they feel is best. I feel though, if i move out there... I need to have some sort of game plan...Right? What I don't know? I'm going to try and go to places and perform all my talents as much as possible. Auditions, open mics, schools, whatever it takes! In addition to possibly doing the grad school thing and working with youth. That would be an ideal life for me living somewhere in Brooklyn or Harlem...
Chicago, is another option... the directing field that way is BOOMING. I want to learn more and I want to do more with stage and film to be honest.
St. Louis: They have the Black Rep. I had a buddy go and do some work with them,and it seemed to really direct hims with his artistry.
Philly: My friends are going that way. Its East, and its a move I'm wiling to make to just get out of here, and fly. It's very much so time to get out of the nest of Michigan.
I am very open!!!!!!!!!!!!!! To places where I can do art, and work with youth. If you know of any programs please tell me... Thank You.